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The European Union should not copy the US Democrats' foreign policy, but should strive for a new European approach with strategic autonomy in mind, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said ahead of the European Political Community summit in the UK.

In response to a question concerning Hungary’s “peace mission”, Orbán said “we are progressing well, it is not easy when there is headwind, but for the time being we have made all the planned steps”. He said he had made some proposals in the interest of the European approach. “I am progressing slowly, but they are thinking about it. I hope I can advance further with the next steps,” he added. Commenting on his recent talks aiming to achieve peace in Ukraine, he said he had represented his own position. Commenting on Donald Trump, Orbán said “he is a man of peace and what we need is peace”.
Regarding the situation in Georgia, Orbán said the country “is doing extremely well, and the government is trying to maintain independence and sovereignty amid extremely difficult circumstances”. Asked what his message was for Ukraine, Orbán said “I am with you”. Peace is a long way ahead “because there are many pro-war countries who think they can annihilate Russians with military force”, he said, adding that the conflict had no solution on the battlefield.