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The defence minister said he discussed Europe’s security situation and the risks posed by the war in Ukraine with David Pressman, the US ambassador to Hungary, on Wednesday. In a post on Facebook, Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky noted that NATO is holding a summit in Washington, DC in less than two weeks. Hungary joined the military alliance that marks its 75th anniversary this year 25 years ago, the minister said. Hungary is a committed and loyal NATO ally, Szalay-Bobrovniczky said. The country will however not contribute money, weapons or soldiers to the alliance’s coordination mission on weapons deliveries to Ukraine and military training, but will not block such efforts, either, he said. “I informed Ambassador Pressman about the Hungarian government’s step that will affect American soldiers serving at the military air base in Pápa,” the minister said, noting that a draft legislation allowing the US soldiers to obtain Hungarian number plates in a simplified procedure would soon be launched for a public consultation.