Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with Toshihiro Suzuki, the CEO of Suzuki Motor Corporation, in Budapest, his press chief said. They reviewed the situation of the automotive industry in Europe and Hungary and the challenges posed by the industry’s technological transformation, Bertalan Havasi said. Orbán said Hungary had an interest in Suzuki’s success, adding that the ties between Hungary and the company “is more than just business; it is a friendship”. Speaking about Hungary’s economy, Orbán told his partner that it was expected to grow this year and in 2025 as well, adding that credit ratings agencies, investors, Hungarian entrepreneurs and the Hungarian people had trust in the country. “We are optimistic,” Orbán said, adding however that the war in Ukraine posed a big threat. “The situation is in that regard very difficult, because the war destroys not only human lives, families and the assets of people, but entire economies,” the prime minister said.