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“Brussels is planning to accelerate the process of distributing migrants across member states,” Bence Rétvári, state secretary at the interior ministry, told MTI on Thursday, adding that the EU was also planning to launch “a pro-immigration campaign”. Following the EU migration pact’s taking effect this summer each member state “will be given six months to prepare an implementation plan,” Rétvári insisted. “Brussels is seeking to cut a part of cohesion funding and use it for migration purposes … they will employ staff to control if the distribution quotas are implemented,” he said. “Brussels continues managing migration rather than stemming it … they want to carry through their will … even if that harms Hungarian and European families,” he added.
The European Commission would use public funds “to launch a comprehensive pro-immigration campaign in each member state to cast a favourable light on the migration pact and would involve the EU representations in those countries,” the state secretary said. “It is understood in Brussels that people won’t support migration and they seek to convince them through a campaign in the press that they would benefit from accommodating illegal migrants in line with the quotas,” he said. “All this of course will cost a huge amount of money and it raises the question of how the bureaucrats … that have not seen any migrants … wish to finance that,” Rétvári said. Using cohesion funds for the purpose would be “shocking”, he said, adding that “it simply means that for Brussels the migration pact has precedence before health, education, welfare services or developing businesses and infrastructure”. “Brussels would not admit that their migration policy has failed and they seek to forcefully pass laws and regulations … they aim to distribute migrants among the members and to fine those members that refuse to accommodate migrants, to the tune of 8 million forints (EUR 20,000) per migrant,” Retvari said.