Local residents in Békés County “highly await” the accession of neighbouring Romania to the EU’s borderless Schengen zone which Hungary supports, President Katalin Novák said in an interview published by local daily Békés Megyei Hírlap on Saturday. The president paid a visit to the county in south-eastern Hungary which formed part of her programme visiting every county to learn first-hand about local affairs. In the interview, Novák said with Romania’s accession maintaining contact “between Hungarians on both sides of the border will be much easier, and economic cooperation could also be further boosted”. “Nurturing good relations with its neighbours is in Hungary’s fundamental interest, also because of the Hungarian communities living there,” she said. In connection with this year’s US elections, Novák said that depending on who will enter the White House, “prospects may change as regards the war in Ukraine” and “as regards the intensity and quality of Hungarian-US relations as well”. The president called the United States an important ally for Hungary, adding that “Hungary is a good ally that fulfills its obligations”, and “expects respect and a readiness for mutual understanding” within a non-hierarchic alliance.
Speaking about Ukraine, Novák said the war had claimed several tens of thousands of lives with the number of Hungarian victims constantly increasing. “More and more people started to agree with the position Hungary has represented since the beginning, namely that the only proper solution is to establish peace,” Novak said, adding that even the Ukrainian president has started to draw up a peace formula, with Hungary participating in the efforts.