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The basis of national cohesion is that every Hungarian must know and experience that the state of Hungary has borders, but the Hungarian nation does not, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, said at a commemoration held on the occasion of the Day of National Cohesion in Sátoraljaújhely, in northern Hungary, on Sunday.

Speaking at the event organised by the Rákóczi Association, Gulyás said it is the duty of the Hungarian state, the motherland, to support every Hungarian to stay and prosper in their homeland, while also making every Hungarian a home. “The great lesson from Trianon is that we must stand by each other even when we are torn apart,” the minister said. Gulyás said young Hungarians must discover and get to know the Carpathian Basin in order to feel at home in it.
“Every Hungarian is responsible for every Hungarian, and Hungary bears responsibility for the fate of Hungarians living beyond the country’s borders,” he said. “The task of the Hungarian state is to open the gates, support the initiatives that can help us preserve our mother tongue and strengthen our cohesion. This is why we need Hungarian kindergartens, schools and universities, this is why we need the Mathias Corvinus Collegium, the Kőrösi Csoma scholarships, a support system for ethnic Hungarian businesses, and this is why the community-building work of the Rákóczi Association is also indispensable,” Gulyás said.